Friday, August 24, 2007


This is my attempt at blogging. It is the first day in awhile that the only sounds I hear are passing cars and farm animals. School doesn't start for another week! There is a toddler down for a nap also BD is napping the rest of my summer troops are off to the mall. Normal troop number varies between 3-10. So I actually have time to sit, think and type.
I am sure enjoying the silence, I look out my window to a perfect view of foothill, farmland and a mountain. Animals grazing, the dog sleeping (a border collie) she seems to think all is well, the horses, goats and cows are all in the right spot, and no kids to keep track of. Oh and her ball is under her chin so it can"t escape. And the cats are basking in the warm sun. Today my life is perfect!

1 comment:

luvmyrottnpitt said...

I found your blog! Can you believe it! lol
Sounds like a dreamy summer day... Wish I was there with ya!